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在西湖十景里,“双峰插云”大概是最特别的一个,名字大家都不陌生, 但几乎从没有人真正见到过。


陈中秋 摄


到了清代,两个峰顶古塔皆毁废。康熙三十八年(1699)皇帝南巡杭州, 御题景名,改“两峰”为“双峰”。


西湖边远眺南高峰(陈中秋 摄)








佛手岩(陈中秋 摄)






佛手岩摩崖题刻(陈中秋 摄)








南高峰洞壑众多,石径幽深(陈中秋 摄)







南高峰顶俯瞰城市和西湖风光(陈中秋 摄)


The Southern Peak:

a "Viewing Platform" for Spectacular Sights of West Lake and Mountains

Among the ten scenic spots of West Lake, "Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds" , a well-known scene to Hangzhou residents, is probably the most unique one as almost no one has actually seen it.

Two peaks refer to the Northern Peak and the Southern Peak, which are approximately 5 kilometers apart.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, there was an ancient pagoda at the top of each peak. On the day when the clouds and mists are lowering and from the view of West Lake, the peaks seem to get lost in an obscure manner and the spires become distinct, hence the name "Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds" .

In the Qing Dynasty, ancient pagodas in both peaks were destroyed and abandoned. In the 38th year of the Kangxi reign (1699), the emperor conducted a southern tour of Hangzhou and renamed this scenic name from "Two Peaks" to "Twin Peaks".

Nowadays, this scenic spot is a popular destination for mountain-climbers, though it has already become a rare vision.

The Northern Peak is a classic tourist route of mountain-climbing in the West Lake Scenic Area, and the Lingshun Temple, also known as the best temple of the God of Wealth in the world, is bustling with strong incense all the year round.

The Southern Peak that echoes the northern counterpart has always been a mysterious existence and is relatively unpopular among the mountains of West Lake. Not to mention tourists from other places, even many Hangzhou residents may not have climbed it.

A bit difficult as it sounds to climb, the Southern Peak is actually not high with an elevation of only 257 meters. There are many mountain paths leading up to the Peak and here you come to the route starting from Yanxia Cave.

With the departure from the Yanxia Cave bus station, you walk slowly past the Yanxia Cave and then on the way to the Peak there stands a road pavilion with a long history called Zhiqi Pavilion.

In Chinese, "Zhi" means to climb high while "Qi" mountains without vegetation. However, it is densely wooded and overgrown with weeds.

The two characters "Zhi" and "Qi" come from the line which means "to climb a mountain without vegetation and miss my mother" in "Zhi Hu" of "Wei Feng" in The Book of Songs. This is the pavilion built in 1911 by Ms. Jin Fengzao, a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, to express her longing for her mother.

Facing Zhiqi Pavilion, there is a fork with a track towards the peak on the right and a less-popular realm on the left, known as the Buddha's Hand Rock.

The Buddha's Hand Rock is located on the mountainside above the Yanxia Cave. There are few visitors as it is not accessible to the top of the mountain.

It is so named just for the following fact: when looking inside from the entrance of the cave, there is a large stone that looks like the palm of the hand hanging down with clear muscles, hence its name.

The most famous attraction of the Buddha's Hand Rock is the inscriptions on precipices, a sort of historical remains of ancient friends circle. A total of 8 stone carvings had been preserved here, with the earliest dating back to the Xining period of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The inscriptions on precipices are written as follows: "In the seventh year of the Xining reign of the Northern Song Dynasty (1074), Shandong native Lu Youkai, with the courtesy name Yuanhan, came to visit the Buddha's Hand Rock on the 25th day of the lunar month."

Lu Yuanhan was an official in the Northern Song Dynasty, with the highest position of sub-fourth rank official, equivalent to the current leading role of departments. He was a clean and upright official who had done many good things to benefit people, which were recorded in History of Song.

After a short stay on inscriptions on precipices, you are supposed to continue climbing further, which needs your return from the Buddha's Hand Rock to Zhiqi Pavilion.

Walking down for three or four minutes, you will find a stone carving group named "Beautiful Lakes and Mountains". These cliff stone carvings are mostly inscribed during the Republic of China, including "Secluded Lakes and Mountains", "In Resemblance to Climbing Immortals", and "Beautiful Lakes and Mountains".

If you follow the trail all the way up again, amidst the woods, there appear three large Chinese characters on the mountain wall — "Shifu Tomb". There is no cemetery here, only three characters on the stone wall. Below is a stone inscription titled "Shifu Tomb Memorial".

"Shifu" refers to Liu Shifu (also known as Liu Sifu), a native of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, and a modern democratic revolutionist in China. After the Revolution of 1911, he focused on moral salvation after witnessing the national chaos. He launched the "Heart Society" in Hangzhou and was one of the pioneers of the Esperanto movement in China.

Going further up the slope, there is also a tomb. The owner of the tomb is Zhu Haofei, a native of Leqing, Zhejiang Province. He was a super learner on chemistry at that time, who graduated from the Department of Physics and Chemistry at Beijing Normal University in 1917 and later studied in Germany. Zhu Haofei is described as the "father of Chinese dye chemistry" and served as a professor of physics and chemistry at Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, Wuhan University, and Zhejiang University.

Not far away, in the high grass on the left is the resting place of another "super learner", Hu Mingfu, from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He is the first doctor of modern mathematics in China, one of the main founders of the Chinese Science Society, and once studied at Harvard University. Unfortunately, he drowned untimely at the age of 36. In 1929, the Chinese Science Society relocated him to the Yanxia Ridge, with the inscription on the tombstone written by Cai Yuanpei.

The three tombs are not far apart, and this is the famous scenic spot "Yanxia Three Tombs".

On the way from "Yanxia Three Tombs" towards the peak, there are a variety of caves and you are likely to have different cave views depending on different routes up the mountain. Among the famous ones are the "Thousand People Cave" and the "Doorless Cave". 

The "Thousand People Cave" is the largest cave in mountains around West Lake, with the widest area reaching over 1,300 square meters.

With continuous steps onward, there comes the cliff on the top of the head when turning. Right under the cliff is the "Doorless Cave", carved with several Arhat statues in the Ming Dynasty, which is a folk Buddhist statue art hundreds of years ago.

Further ahead, after passing a large tea field, you can overlook the indistinct Qiantang River through mountains and vegetations, and the Southern Peak is not far away.

After you finally reach the top of the mountain, there appears another pavilion — the Chengwang Pavilion, which is the highest point of the Peak. The site of the Southern Peak Pagoda is located on the east side of the Chengwang Pavilion, and only a small part of the tower base is visible.

When looking far into the distance from the Chengwang Pavilion, it can be discovered that West Lake is in the north, the Qiantang River in the south, and Manjuelong (a valley in Hangzhou, famous for its osmanthus flowers) at the foot of the mountain. It is an excellent viewing spot in Hangzhou.

In fact, there is also another hidden viewing spot — walking down the mountain, you will find a viewing platform built out of wood.

Here, you can not only have a panoramic view of West Lake, Su Causeway and Lesser Yingzhou, but also overlook the Leifeng Pagoda, Chenghuang Pavilion, and urban high buildings in the distance. It has already become an excellent position for many photographers to capture the scenery of Hangzhou.










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